Finished At Last. . .Sort of
by catherine
So. . .Hieu and I finished the book about two weeks ago. We sent it to our formatter, the wonderful Candace Bowser of Dark Water Arts Designs: . After we received our Author’s Proof Copies (HOORRAY!!!), we read through both the print and Kindle versions, and . . .found about 100 more mistakes. At least NINE drafts, TWO Beta readers, ONE Professional editor, and TWO teachers (Angel (Hieu’s wife) and me) have read over this manuscript, and STILL we found mistakes. I kept saying to Angel, “How could we have missed all of this?”
The three of us, Hieu, Angel, and I, were up until at least 3:00 a.m. (That’s our story, and we’re sticking to it.) finding all of the errors. We sent it back to Candace who fixed the errors. (The errors were not on her part; they were my errors in the manuscript.) Hieu received the second Author’s Proof Copy yesterday. It’s as perfect as we can make it.
Although we are not ready to reveal the publication date, I can say this, “I will not read the book again for at least a year,” because I will want to make more changes.
Writing this book with Hieu has been a humbling experience. I am still a little awestruck that he trusted me with writing his life story. I am truly grateful for the experience. It’s hard to believe that our four year journey is almost at an end.
I will make the “BIG ANNOUNCEMENT” on the day our book is released.