Catherine Hackman

A Writer's Expedition

Category: About the Lord

Adventures with Sheep!

So, yesterday, I went to a sheep farm to experience sheep. Robin (pictured above) graciously agreed to tell me about sheep and let me experience sheep first-hand. I learned: How to tell the age of a sheep. About the different kinds of wool. How to tip a sheep–I would have liked to try it, but […]


So, I just called the extension office in the next county over. They put me in touch with a sheep farmer. As final research for my next book, I need to experience sheep. Hey, what’s it called when a female sheep turns around? A ewe turn. EWWW–that was a ba-a-a-d pun. Buy a sheep, name […]


I got an email from Kindle Direct Publishing. I am going to get a deposit for Royalties from my Kindle book. I couldn’t wait to find out how many books I had sold. Maybe my story was finally taking off. My deposit total:  $0.35.  That’s right, thirty-five cents. I sold one copy in September. The […]

Parenting Your Child, Parenting Yourself-Age Appropriate Jobs Through Age 9

Phyllis Dillar once said, “Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the sidewalk before it stops snowing.” Until your youngest child is around 9 years old, don’t focus on how neat the house is. Focus on training your children to pick up after themselves and take care of themselves. Training […]

A (Not Perfect) Parable About Tithing

There once were two brothers whose parents amassed a fortune through a series of business ventures and investments. When the youngest turned 21, they turned the entire fortune, including the business ventures and investments, over to the brothers. They gave the older son 2/3 of the fortune and the younger son 1/3 of the fortune […]


I have a “talking” cat. Her official name is Daneryus Stormborn Targaryen, Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains. We just call her Daeney. Whenever we turn on the water, she comes running over, “talking,” telling us she wants a drink. She also “talks” when she is hungry, wants out of a room, or greets us […]

I Am In Good Company

Dr. Seuss was rejected 27 times before his first book was accepted by publishers. I was turned down again for a short story I submitted. (Karen, this is not the Library one or the Dog one. I am not sure you have read this one. I will check with you.) And, once again, I thought […]